Application Details for Reimbursement of Professional Resources
How to request funding for reimbursement of Professional Resourses.
Form 1 -Application for Reimbursement of Professional Resources

We realize the importance of ongoing education, professional development and networking. We are invested in providing our members resources to enable them to further their educational journey. As such upon approval our members can receive funds to attend a conference or take an AQ course. We are invested in an innovative approach that empowers our members and delivers the support they need, when they need it.
If you have any questions, or to submit your Forms, please email Learning Chair, Maryanne Goldsmith or President Amanda Baxter .
How to request funding for professional development conferences.

We have a vast list of resources that are free for you to use. Please contact our secretary and 'check' one out today.
Did you know? ETFO has an Occasional Teachers' website www.etfo-ots.ca containing a large collection of resources - web links, print, articles, audio resources - to help you with your practice in short and long term assignment.
The website is organized by categories:
● Resources by Subject - links related to the Ontario curriculum
● Classroom Supports - useful information on assessment and evaluation, bullying, classroom management, technology, English Language Learners, Special Education, instructional strategies etc
● A to Z of Being an OT - advice and information from ETFO about membership, collective agreement, what to do if there is an allegation of inappropriate conduct, health & safety, benefits, EI, professionalism etc.
Check it out!

Equity work requires planning, commitment and continual reflection. It is multifaceted and, to be effective, involves “walking the talk”, changing the self as well as the world.
It is controversial. Equity work is about fundamental change, which is often vigorously resisted. Those who benefit from the way society is currently organized, or who are unaware of the pervasiveness of discrimination, or who are simply comfortable with the status quo, are often reluctant to contemplate new ways of doing things.
ETFO embraces the need for change and is committed to moving forward on equity and social justice. Members and staff will be supported by ETFO in the learning that is necessary to effect change.